Sunday, March 17, 2013

Zumba is a Community!

You can't replace a great instructor, but that's ok!

It's happened a few times in the 4 plus years I've had Zumba in my life. Great instructors leave. It's not that they have "left" their classes. It's more life happens. 

I think most people know I've been an instructor now since September. Even others may know I recently took on a Friday morning class at Dance Theater South when a great instructor, Leslie Anderson, stopped teaching Zumba classes. It was such an honor to be entrusted with her class, but I have to admit, the whole class shared in my sadness that first week when we knew she wasn't up front. 

Let's face it. I'm not short, blonde or spunky. And my name is not Leslie. But I soon realized that we would be ok. For Zumba is about more than just great instructors. It's about community. There are many examples I could give of where I have seen this community at work but I will leave you with a few of my favorites.

  1. When someone is in need a Zumba sister (or brother) is there to lend a hand. Recently a person who did the child care for a few weeks had an urgent family situation and a Zumba friend helped to coordinate people to watch her own children so she could visit the hospital.
  2. When we have needed child care for parents to attend class, a Zumba sister (and maybe others) stepped in to watch the children so class could go on.
  3. When our favorite instructor moved on, a Zumba sister took charge of making sure the transition regarding punch cards and other items were all taken care of.
  4. When we were hoping people would continue to come to class, a few Zumba sisters cheered on us instructors and encouraged their friends to come to class and have fun anyways.
  5. When I personally worried about bringing enough energy to the class, several Zumba sisters jumped, hollered and moved around the room.
You see, we don't just go to Zumba class to get a fun workout (although that is a bonus). We dine with these people, attend church with these people and simply enjoy being around one another. After all, often motivation comes from surrounding yourself with other positive people.

So while I will take today off from Zumba class, I'm excited to shake with these ladies tomorrow!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

It's Harder Than You Think!

Well as EVERYONE knows by now, I have started my own Zumba class where I get to do my own favorite songs for others to shake along with me. After 5 classes thus far, I have learned a few things that might be helpful to those considering putting on your brave hats and getting in the front row (remember I'm the back row girl). In celebration of my first 5 classes, here are my top five thoughts:

1. You can NEVER hide in the back row again! Did you hear me? Never again. If you try (even if you really are just there in your favorite Zumba pal's class to learn new songs or practice favorite ones but don't want to give away all of your energy because you have your own class that evening) you will be escorted to the front row of said class. Note: This is not meant as a complaint at all. In fact I'm quite grateful to Leslie, Tanja and Robin for allowing me to lead a song in their classes, and for others (who know who they are) to help you gain confidence by nudging you up front. :) Really, I am grateful. Thank you! But I may have to find a new instructor who doesn't know me and hide in the back of his/her class sometime. Haha!

2. It is not about you! No, I didn't really think it was about me. But in case you are wondering... it is not about you! It doesn't matter if Sundays at 6, you feel the urge to lead a Zumba class. Likely others just want to unwind and have dinner with their families or friends at that late hour. You will need to center your class times and atmospheres around your fellow shakers' schedules and moods. And finally on this note, it is about feeling the music, not about you breaking down every single song for people in class. They WILL pick up the moves after a few times. They do not want to stop throughout class repeatedly, because they are truly there to burn 600 on average calories. Trust me, I'm there for the same reason.
Note: If you want to join me on Sundays at 6 though, I won't mind as I've not changed my class schedule just yet. :)

3. You have to wear the right clothes when you are in the front! Ok this point is strictly one of vanity, but if you are in the front, by golly look good. I made the poor decision on Monday night to wear my gray pants to class. I have worn them to Luci's class once and they are super comfy. However, what I failed to remember is that Luci's class is in the dark. Ok, not pitch black. But she turns the lights out and I am in the back row in her class. Well...... at Briar Chapel the lights are bright and well, you know, I'm in the front row leading class, and of course they have mirrors. Half way through class, I was distracted by said gray pants. They were clingy and I could clearly see underwear lines in them. Yes, this was distracting. Luckily it's not about me and they didn't notice it at all right? :) Well, I'm sure if I asked Tanja she probably noticed it but wouldn't say anything to me about it. Haha! I'm making an effort now to look good in the front row so I'm not distracted up front.

4. This point actually works for anyone taking Zumba classes, leading or not. Your energy level is directly connected to what you've had to eat or not eat before Zumba class. I want to show up for my shakers each and every night because they are paying to have fun, yes, but also to burn calories. I have to exert more than 100% if they are to burn maximum calories. I quickly figured out this year actually that on days when I have protein shakes before Zumba class, I have amazing energy. At times when I eat empty calories or heavy carbs, I feel exhausted and struggle through class. I have a post coming sometime on food to fuel your Zumba. But for now, just trust me, what you eat makes a difference.

5. Last but not least, don't let low attendance, missing steps in the songs or others' opinions (haven't had many of those yet), get to you and keep you from being the best instructor you can be. Keep your eye on the goal. If you show up and only one person is there that night, make that person's experience great. Use it for practice. Or better yet, ask for special requests. Regardless of attendance or screw ups, chances are after the learning curve is over, you will be successful. In fact for me, just moving from the back row to the front row is pretty darn successful. This weekend I start turning out the lights in class and I plan to be super successful from here on out.

So come join me in the dark! It is a fun experience that way! And if you don't come, well I can't make you. Only you can choose to get off the couch :) As for now my class schedule is:

Sundays, Briar Chapel Fitness Center (Chapel Hill), 6 p.m.
Mondays, Briar Chapel Fitness Center (Chapel Hill), 7 p.m.
Wednesdays, Woodcroft Club (Durham), 8 p.m.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Teacher by day, shaker by night. Shhhh. Don't tell!

Ok Ok already. I promised I would try and finish my instructor reviews before I started leading classes. Well, my first class was tonight (see unwritten blog post to follow), but before I get to that, I must tell you how much fun Tuesday and Thursday nights are over at Infuzion in Durham.

First things first. If you haven't been over to Infuzion, it's a nice space. The floor is clean and pretty big to squeeze in 20+ people. And Angela's class has proven to be packed on a regular basis. Angela is another one of my favorite Zumba pals who frequents Luci's class. I like that Angela fuses some of my favorite "Luci" songs with her own style and has her class moving around the dance floor and room. I mean it's not uncommon to hear Moriah, Holly and Jen yelling "woot" during some of Angela's songs.

She really does cover the whole dance floor! She recently brought back a goodie. I can't remember the name of it right now but there is a part where you sorta kinda lunge and say "shhh" with your finger to your lips. It's funny because I can totally imagine Angela having to use this same motion with her elementary kids she teaches to every day. Anyways, I really do like the song. And of course, any song that Angela says "bootie, bootie" too is gonna be a favorite of mine by default.

And finally, one thing I love about Angela.. although she claims to be shy... she ain't shy. She is up front, shakin' it, and her fans (myself included) are having a fabulous time moving to the beat. If you are like me and love night classes, join me soon on Tuesday or Thursday evening in one of Angela's classes. :)

P.S. When Loretta Bates (a fabulous Zumba instructor of Zumba instructors) said visual cues are best, she must have had Angela in mind. This girl has great visual cues. I only hope I can learn this technique myself.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Well the Cat's Out of the Bag!!

Well.. I still haven't gotten around to reviewing my favorite Tuesday/Thursday night instructor, but I do promise to do that this week.

In the meantime, I simply can't wait anymore to announce some exciting news! I mean like exciting to me and hopefully to you as well :)

What started as my quest to "Just shake something" (as Leslie would say) nearly 4 years ago, has turned into more than just a fun fitness class. Zumba has been fun to say the least. But for me it's been finding that inner dancer that a former basketball player couldn't even fathom becoming. Anyone who has ever taken a Zumba class will admit, you let go (for lack of a better visual) when you dance. You burn a heck of a lot of calories. You might look like a fool, well I kinda look like a fool, but no one else really thinks you're a fool, at least that's what I tell myself. Haha!

Anyways, this journey has led me to a point of branching outside of my "back row" comfort zone. Yes, I hang in the back row usually, but for practical reasons. You want to see the instructor to follow her. Well, I'm tall and if you're standing behind me, you likely can't see the instructor. So in the back row, I am allowing many others to be able to follow along nicely.

Well back row no longer. You can be lazy in the back row. You can miss the steps in the back row. You can hide in the back row. Well no more hiding. This former basketball player turned dancer is now licensed to lead Zumba classes. Yes, I said it. I, Andrea Hirth, am a licensed Zumba instructor now and I will begin leading my own classes in like a week and a half. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In all seriousness, I am going this route for 2 main reasons:
1. It is totally not me to be bold enough to lead others in dance. Well I need to get bold to grow as a person!

2. While I have lost 40 pounds in the past year due to Zumba and diet, I still have quite a ways to get to the end goal. And I have 5 more years to 40. Fit before 40? You betcha! It is time to loose the rest of it once and for all. And those who have begun leading Zumba classes.... well.... let's just say.... they shrink.... and I wanna shrink!

So there you have it. Cat's out of the Bag!

And where will I be shakin' it at the front? Well for now beginning in September, I'll be at the Briar Chapel Fitness Center (Chapel Hill) on Sundays at 6 p.m. and at the Woodcroft Club House (Durham) on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. I will be selling punch cards. Please do contact me for more information on how to get fabulous discounts on my classes!

Does this mean I will stop attending my fabulous Zumba pals' classes? Heck no! Who do you think are the best dancers around? Well that would be my favorite Zumba pals of course!!!

Will I stop reviewing other instructors' classes? Well yes, I'm afraid this wouldn't be fair so I have a few more reviews to submit before I begin my own classes. Hopefully I will get them out this week :)

I will continue my blog of course. An upcoming post I look forward to writing is one on pre-Zumba workout food (or liquid in my case).

Ok well whew, that's it for this post. Wish me luck! I'm gonna need it :)

Friday, August 17, 2012

Can I say Leslie is just awesome? She had a gym full of kiddos groovin' to the beat!

Leslie, Leslie, Leslie.....

Leslie Anderson is one of my favorite Zumba gals. Like me, she lost a significant amount of weight doing Zumba, and she was already hot to begin with. The girl has some abs. Ok, this is not about her hotness. She might shoot me after reading this review :)

In all seriousness, Leslie helped continue Luci's legacy, but she is not defined by that. Leslie had a large following of friends who supported her several years ago when she decided to get certified and begin teaching Zumba class. She was and still is a natural for the "job." She's a great dancer and can put a smile on your face! Her dances are fun and when you look around, you can see how inspiring to others she is.

That following remains today in her classes. Some of her buddies, Jen, Holly and Angela, stand in the front row with her, and along with Leslie, bring a TON of energy to class at 9:30 in the morning. That's right, folks. This class is now at 9:30 a.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. I am barely awake before noon but somehow these girls get me up and going early.

I actually learned today that Leslie (in her previous life) was on her college dance team. I mean, I am so not surprised. It makes perfect sense to me. She is so itty bitty and has some great choreography that can only come from a true dancer. There is a new song that I'm pretty sure she put together a fun new dance to. I remember the words "when you talk that talk." Anyways, it involves some hip shakes and rolls. And we all know I got some hips to shake and roll. Shake what the good Lord gave you is my thought!

Anyways, after going to Leslie's Friday a.m. class and loving it, as usual, I returned to the reality of the stress of work. I then found out Leslie was leading a Zumba dance party at Pearsontown Elementary School where her 3 daughters attend. I know all too well that my son, Owen, could use some serious one-on-one time with me so we filtered in to a packed gymnasium half-way through the dance party. Owen's face lit up as he saw all the kids dancing around. On the way over, we had talked about the fact that we were going to a dance party and Owen said, "You mean I get to dance with the girls tonight in that other room?" He was referring to the "girls" that I dance with in Leslie's class. He is next door in the child care room. Ok, so it was cute. :)

Leslie was up on stage rockin' it to "Drop it Low" with a bunch of elementary kids. Some of their teachers and parents were on the floor just trying to keep up. Everyone seemed to be into it and even Jen Martin handed out glow sticks to the kids who loved them. I know Owen was happy to be there. As for me, well let's just say we went to get ice cream afterward, so I was just happy for the chance to take Leslie's Zumba class twice in one day.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Free Zumba! And twice in one day :)

Clearly it was a busy Zumba day since 2 blog posts are coming out of it. In honor of going to Zumba twice today (and free both times I might add), I decided to do 2 posts. No worries.. this one is much shorter than the first. :)

1. Free Zumba class this morning at Briar Chapel with Tanja Cole.
Tanja is testing Thursday morning classes at 9 am at Briar Chapel so she kindly offered a free class this morning to anyone wanting to try out her class. Let's just say, there were some sweaty ladies there. And I was one of them. She made us work hard with a lot of hip movements and shakin' it. If you haven't ever been to the club house at Briar Chapel, it's really nice. It has hardwood floors and a nice view of the pool and a child room next door. Ahhh. It was a nice start to the day.

2. Free Zumba at Athleta Store at Southpoint Mall with Angie Fernandez of Excel Body Fitness
This evening I went to a free Zumba class being taught onsite in the Athleta Store at Southpoint Mall. It was fast paced and there was a lot of traditional Latin moves being taught. I got a pretty darn good sweat. Angie is a personal trainer so she liked to focus on form and toning of arms with certain movements. Not such a bad thing. May check out her class sometime if I can find a convenient time.

Whew. Long day. Let's just say.. I don't smell so great now. Off to take a shower!

Let's Get Down to the Basics: Getting started with the Zumba Obsession

As promised for far too long, here is my guide to getting started with Zumba. I know so many people out there who secretly want to shake it like nobody's business, but they think they're not coordinated enough or thin enough or have enough energy or time, finances, etc.

Well, I can tell you that excuses never got any of us anywhere! I have been "doing" Zumba on and off for close to 4 years now and it has helped me to not gain too much during pregnancies, help me take off 40 pounds since October of last year (along with diet and Arbonne protein shakes of course), and quite simply help me overcome the waves of life and parenthood. :)

But you don't have to be a parent who needs some sanity or a big girl (or dude) to need Zumba. But if you are like most and you simply want a work out that really doesn't seem like a work out and is way more fun than the treadmill, then let's get started!

Andrea's Let's Get Down to the Basics tips:
1. Shoes, shoes and shoes! Probably one of the most important things you will need in Zumba class is a good pair of dance shoes. And you may likely need a few different pairs or gliders, depending upon the dance surface you are dancing on. A few of my personal favorite brands are Zumba label, Capezio, Bloch and Sansha. There are other shoes out there that will certainly work. In fact some of my instructors and other Zumba peeps wear some regular name brand shoes to class. No worries. You don't have to spend a lot of money on shoes. You will spend about the same amount you would spend on running or cross trainers. The most important thing is that you can spin in them. The less tread the better. So, try them on at a store and spin in them.

There are 2 dance stores in the area that I've purchased shoes from:
1. Dance Design in Ram's Plaza in Chapel Hill 919-942-2131.
2. Releve Dancewear near Crossroads in Cary 919-854-4442

2. Wear clothes that will allow you to move. I typically wear a sleeveless shirt (so my arms can move freely) and yoga pants or capris that move and breathe easily. Some people wear skirts, etc. Whatever makes you most comfy is great. You WILL sweat!

3. No one is looking at you while you dance. That's right. No one is paying you any attention. So it's ok if you don't know what you are doing. Everyone has been or is still there :)

4. Ok this next tip is one that I found incredibly useful personally. However, it is by no means necessary to do in order to attend Zumba classes or pick up the moves. I took a salsa class with the infamous Luci :) I found it great that she taught a variety of Latin moves like salsa and merengue, etc. The basic moves are used often in Zumba classes taught by all different instructors. So, you will see, that although every instructor is incredibly different, I am comforted knowing that I can usually pick up on the song.

5. Some instructors break down the steps before the songs start and some do not. DO NOT FRET. Just because you have never done the dance before and it isn't being taught to you does not mean that you can't do it. Stand and watch the instructor or folks in front of you and you will pick it up. I promise. I think for me it takes on average 5 times watching a dance before picking it up completely. Ask the instructor or someone in class to show you the dance after class. I'm sure they will be more than happy to.

6. Zumba is an exercise class. So don't focus on what you "can't" do but instead on what you can do... shake it! Just keep moving! This point is a favorite one offered from 2 of my favorite Zumba gals (AKA instructors), Leslie Anderson and Tanja Cole. "Just shake something," they would say. :)

My final tips were submitted by Tanja Cole who teaches at Joy of Movement studio in Pittsboro and Briar Chapel in Chapel Hill. Her class is a lot of fun and she can get those girls moving!

7. Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Bring lots of water and take small sips in between songs. You'll sweat more than you know and dehydration is not a good thing.

8.  Bring a friend. It's always more fun to try something new with a friend. And some classes may offer perks when you bring a friend to class.

9. Have fun. Laugh. Move your body. Don't be afraid to mess up. Don't push your body beyond what it's ready for. It's not about keeping up with the instructor or the gal next to you. It matters more that you let loose a little and move your body to the music and have fun doing this "exercise in disguise". Everone has a first time and if you watch closely, you'll catch the instructor messing up here and there and laughing at herself.

10. Try different instructors. Every instructor has a different personality, prefers different song choices, has a different energy level, instructs differently, and moves their body differently. Find someone you love and stick with it. Consistently come to any zumba class at least twice per week for the best over health/body results. Also try different instructors because you'll get a better workout, since you'll work different muscles in different classes. Go to to find classes/licensed zumba instructors near you.

11. Oh my gosh!! I almost forgot to mention that Zumba simply improves your mood. So if you're having a crappy day and the last thing you can do is round up enough motivation to go to Zumba class, well by golly, go!!! I speak from personal experience :) - Andrea